Monday, June 20, 2011

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 15 -Monday, June 20th

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yes
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Yes
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? Yes
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Yes
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Yes
  6. Did you dry brush today? Yup yup
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No...
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Yes- Baron Baptiste DVD
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? Dinner...breakfast was juice and lunch was a smoothie- no chewing necessary! :) 
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes!
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing.  Replanted a few plants in my garden- didn't take long, but was nice anyhow.
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Close
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? Fast day today! Went to the juice bar near my house for a large green juice for breakfast- I can't remember everything in it, but the major players were cucumbers, collards, and lemon. "Snacked" on water and tea. Lunch was smoothie with collards, banana, tiny bit of peanut butter, almond milk and dates- pretty decent. Dinner was baked sweet potato with Earth balance and cinnamon (no sugar!), plain black beans with garlic, and sauteed beet greens. Dessert was Sleepytime tea with almond milk and stevia. :) 
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculationA lot! but not as much as other days, I do better with this at work than at home, and I had to come home half day today. Sweet Baboo was sick.
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Ate dinner at 7:30, went to bed at 10, so...close.
  19. How do you feel physically? Really good. :)
  20. How do you feel emotionally? Pretty good. A little irritable off and on, but happy overall.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 14 - Sunday, June 19th

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yes
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Yes
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? Except for the vegan brownie I had for our Father's Day celebration. :)
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Yes
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Yes, except for the vegan brownie :) 
  6. Did you dry brush today? I did! :)
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? Yes
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? No, unless a leasurely toddler-free shopping trip to Whole Foods counts. :) 
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? More or less. ;)
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes! Father's day love for my dad and my husband.
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing.  Not a lot, but I did enjoy driving down my pretty street and spending a few minutes in my backyard with the dogs.
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Pretty close- used an eye mask to keep out light. I think it really helped my quality of sleep. I am going to try again tonight.
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? I did not juice, but drank tons of water and tea. 
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculationA lot! I carry a cup with a lid with me all day long and keep it filled. 
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Almost nine, so not three hours by any stretch.
  19. How do you feel physically? Wonderful! A little tired, but lean and healthy.
  20. How do you feel emotionally? A little tired, but happy.

Friday, June 17, 2011

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 12 -Friday, June 1th

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yes
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Yes
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? Yes...until 7pm when I had a veggie sub with my dad for Father's Day
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Yes
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Yes...I even said no to the tons of candy brought to my staff meeeting
  6. Did you dry brush today? I did! :) I finally got little loofah mitt things and I dry brushed before I got dressed today at 3:30am! Woohoo!
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No...ugg...really not good with this one. Even though I have one and use it when I'm sick!
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Yup, pretty active today.
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? I remembered at breakfast,  forgot the rest of the day.
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes! Lots! Good day today.
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing.  Yes! It was wonderful!
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? No...more like was my early morning.
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? I did not juice, but drank tons of water and tea. 
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculationA lot! I carry a cup with a lid with me all day long and keep it filled. 
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Ate dinner at 7:00 went to bed after ten, so did well with this today- I had tea before bed, but no food.
  19. How do you feel physically? A little bloaty today, but good otherwise.
  20. How do you feel emotionally? Good today.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 10 -Tuesday, June 15th

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yes
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Yes
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? Yes
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Yes
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Yes
  6. Did you dry brush today? I did! :) I finally got little loofah mitt things. 
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No...
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Not quite 35, have a really early night tonight, so I had to do my 15 Minute Yoga video on my lunch break.
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? I remembered at breakfast and dinner, forgot at lunch and snacks.
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes!
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing.  Not enough of this today...
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Close
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? I did not juice, but drank tons of water and tea. 
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculationA lot! I carry a cup with a lid with me all day long and keep it filled. 
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Ate dinner at 7:30, went to bed at three hours.
  19. How do you feel physically? A little crampy in the intestines, but fairly good besides that.
  20. How do you feel emotionally? Ok...optimistic about the future.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 9 -Tuesday, June 14th

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yes
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Yes
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? No, ate a fair amount of gluten today.
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Yes
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Yes
  6. Did you dry brush today? No...
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? Yup
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Yes, did Baron Baptiste's Yoga for Athletes
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? Forgot to be conscious of this again today.
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes!
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing.  Not enough, but I did spend some time looking at my pretty flowers in my garden.
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Close
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? Too tired to list it all out... :)
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculationA lot! I carry a cup with a lid with me all day long and keep it filled. 
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Ate dinner at 8, went to bed at two hours, not three.
  19. How do you feel physically? Tired.
  20. How do you feel emotionally? Tapped out. I was frustrated and overwhelmed and weepy in the evening, was blaming it on things that wouldn't really cause all that- so I'm projecting obviously, but I am not sure what I am projecting yet. Hopefully it will come out eventually through this process.

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 8- Monday, June 13th

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yes
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Yes
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? Yes
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Yes
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Yes
  6. Did you dry brush today? FAIL.
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No...
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Didn't get the whole 35 today, it was a juice fast day and I was a little tapped out. Did some restorative yoga though.
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? Well, I drank my meals until 7pm, so that was easy. Dinner I made a conscious effort to chew chew chew.
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes!
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing.  Yes! I came home at lunch and took my dogs for a walk in my beautiful neighborhood. It was great. They were blessed, I was blessed, we were blessed.
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Not quite 8, but close.
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? Fasting day! I did not juice, but I got juice. I really need a juicer, but there is an awesome juice/raw bar not too far from my house. Got a green juice for breakfast, and got a smoothie for later, drank lots of tea and water. Had small amount of black beans and sauteed kale for dinner to break the fast. 
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculationA lot! I carry a cup with a lid with me all day long and keep it filled. 
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Did well with this today- had dinner at 7, went to bed at ten. 
  19. How do you feel physically? Felt great most of the day, a little tired later.
  20. How do you feel emotionally? Pretty good, some mood swings.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 7- Sunday, June 12th

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yes....
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Easy peasy, even at a Wine Fest- I don't drink much anyway. Designated Driver all the way!
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? Mostly- although I noticed there was some in the soy sauce I have.
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Yup.
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Mostly- I had some kettle corn at the Wine Festival, but avoided it everywhere else. 
  6. Did you dry brush today? FAIL.
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No...
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Yup...pushed my two year old around in the stroller at the Wine Festival- up and down hills- and ran around with him in the grass too :) 
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? Did really well at breakfast, forgot at lunch and dinner.
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes!
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing.  Yup, the Wine Festival was at a local park- pretty! Sat in the grass and listened to the live band. 
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Not quite 8, but close.
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? I did not juice, I don't have a juicer- but I did start the day with the glass of water with lemon and cayenne like it recommends, and drank a lot of tea.   I won't list all that I ate each day here on the blog, I do that on My Food Diary and I don't think people really want to read all that. :
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculationA lot! I carry a cup with a lid with me all day long and keep it filled. 
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Around 8:30, closer to two hours than three. My schedule makes three hours pretty tough. 
  19. How do you feel physically? I have more energy overall, felt great pushing the heavy stroller around the grass up and down the hills, even though it was hot. It was also more easy to chase after my two year old. It was great. Also don't feel as bloated, feel lean and happy. 
  20. How do you feel emotionally? Good! A little sad midday, but the time outdoors at the festival with my family helped that, ending the day super happy. :) 

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 6- Saturday, June 11th

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? No...At the end of the day I tried out my aunt's new Keurig...and it was delicious. :) I did choose decaf....
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Easy peasy. 
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? Mostly- except for the bite size piece of cake I had in the evening. It was a bite size square though. 
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? No...a friend made me eggs, and I don't always like to reject hospitality. I said no to the meat, but I had the eggs. 
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Mostly- but I had that bite size piece of cake in the evening. 
  6. Did you dry brush today? Still a FAIL on this one.
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No...
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Yup...Baron Baptist Power Yoga DVD
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? Still forgot about this today,  but will try again to be conscious of this tomorrow. 
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes!
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing.  I drove the back way to my aunts- which was BEAUTIFUL. Soul satisfying
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Not quite 8, but close.
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? I did not juice, I don't have a juicer- but I did start the day with the glass of water with lemon and cayenne like it recommends, and drank a lot of tea.  I should smoothie since I don't juice. I'll try to do that more. I won't list all that I ate each day here on the blog, I do that on My Food Diary and I don't think people really want to read all that. :
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculation. A lot! I carry a cup with a lid with me all day long and keep it filled. 
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Around 9:30, and I went to bed at midnight since I was working on a project with my aunt, so pretty close.
  19. How do you feel physically? I have more energy overall, but I do have some muscle weakness.
  20. How do you feel emotionally? Good today! Happy and content overall.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

21 Day Adventure Cleanse- Day 5- Friday, June 10

Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse

  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yup!
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Easy peasy. 
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? I think so. I'm still not great at checking for 'sneaky gluten' in salad dressing etc, but I'm pretty sure I did well with this today. 
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Yup. 
  5. Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? I had a handful of non-dairy chocolate chips after dinner with a glass of chocolate   almond milk, but was good otherwise- I have been using NuStevia.
  6. Did you dry brush today? Still don't have anything to do this with. Will try to get something tomorrow. 
  7. Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No...I even HAVE a neti pot that I use when I'm sick...I just haven't incorporated this into the daily routine. 
  8. Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Oh DID I. Cleaned the house for several hours, also did 10 minutes of restorative yoga at end of the day. 
  9. Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup. 
  10. Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? Need to do better- I always forget about this, and I'm naturally a fast eater. Will try to be conscious of this tomorrow. 
  11. Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes, yes, yes!
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing. I did- I walked my dogs and planted some plants in the backyard
  13. Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? No...Friday mornings I get up at 3:20am to work an early shift, so I would have to go to bed at 7:30pm. I try- but its hard when I have to get the family fed and to bed too. 
  14. What did you eat today and did you juice? I did not juice, I don't have a juicer- but I did start the day with the glass of water with lemon and cayenne like it recommends, and drank a lot of tea.  I should smoothie since I don't juice. I'll try to do that more. I won't list all that I ate each day here on the blog, I do that on My Food Diary and I don't think people really want to read all that. :) 
  15. How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculation. A lot! I carry a cup with a lid with me all day long and keep it filled. 
  16. What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
  17. How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :) 
  18. What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Around 9:30. Not three hours before bed...will try to be better...but this one is hard for me. 
  19. How do you feel physically? I have more energy overall, but I do have some muscle weakness.
  20. How do you feel emotionally? Good today! Happy and content overall. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Crazy Sexy Adventure...CLEANSE!

About two months ago I bought the book Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr after I looked through a friend's copy. It didn't disappoint- her writing style is super friendly and its like talking to your BFF over coffee (or herbal tea as the case may be). Her suggestions are not super new to me, I've been floating over toward the vegan, raw side of the food spectrum for awhile and have read some other stuff on that lifestyle and my dad had long ago introduced me to things like essential oils and neti pots (he's pretty hippie for a Republican haha) :), but I definitely love getting a more in depth view and more motivation to continue my journey toward vegan, high raw living. Plus, its just a really fun book to read.

In the back of the book is a section with a 21 Day Adventure Cleanse, which I of course thought would be a good idea, but actually putting that good idea into motion was another story. I don't know what instigated my actually starting this cleanse two months after getting the book, but I did- on Monday. I don't have too much in the way of birthday parties and other gatherings with food until a little over three weeks from now, so hey- perfect timing for 21 days of clean eating.

Each day, Ms. Carr gives you positive affirmations and ideas for meditation, and general motivation for each day. She feels that positive thinking and speaking to and about oneself in an affirming way is a critical component to getting and staying well and in making permanent positive changes in one's health and well being.

Also included is a daily question sheet with 20 questions to sort of journal/evaluate each day on the cleanse. Since I have been slacking on this blog for awhile, and because I want to journal my progress, I'm going to answer those questions here each day. (I will be starting tomorrow on Day 4, because I after a day passes I am terrible at remembering food details, so I don't want to go backwards).

In the mean time, definitely check out Kris Carr and her awesome book, as well as the online community- which is super active and has super duper awesome people that hang out there.