Daily questions to be answered at the end of each day on Crazy Sexy 21 Day Adventure Cleanse:
- Did you abstain from coffee? Yes
- Did you abstain from alcohol? Yes
- Did you abstain from gluten? Yes
- Did you abstain from animal products? Yes
- Did you abstain from crack (aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Yes
- Did you dry brush today? Yup yup
- Did you cleanse your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No...
- Did you move your body for at least thirty-five minutes? Yes- Baron Baptiste DVD
- Did you meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes? Yup.
- Did you chew your meals thoroughly and mindfully? Dinner...breakfast was juice and lunch was a smoothie- no chewing necessary! :)
- Did you laugh out loud and tell someone you loved him or her today? Yes!
- Did you spend time in nature? Even five minutes is better than nothing. Replanted a few plants in my garden- didn't take long, but was nice anyhow.
- Did you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Close
- What did you eat today and did you juice? Fast day today! Went to the juice bar near my house for a large green juice for breakfast- I can't remember everything in it, but the major players were cucumbers, collards, and lemon. "Snacked" on water and tea. Lunch was smoothie with collards, banana, tiny bit of peanut butter, almond milk and dates- pretty decent. Dinner was baked sweet potato with Earth balance and cinnamon (no sugar!), plain black beans with garlic, and sauteed beet greens. Dessert was Sleepytime tea with almond milk and stevia. :)
- How much purified water did you consume? You can include fresh veggie juices in your calculation. A lot! but not as much as other days, I do better with this at work than at home, and I had to come home half day today. Sweet Baboo was sick.
- What supplements did you take? B vitamin supplement
- How was your elimination? TMI FOR A BLOG. :)
- What time did you stop eating? Three hours before bed is optimum. Ate dinner at 7:30, went to bed at 10, so...close.
- How do you feel physically? Really good. :)
- How do you feel emotionally? Pretty good. A little irritable off and on, but happy overall.